Thursday, June 2, 2016

Throw It Above

Romans 14:19 “Work for the things that make peace and help each other become stronger Christians.”

Colossians 4:6 “Speak with them in such a way they will want to listen to you.  Do not let your talk sound foolish.  Know how to give the right answer to anyone.”

Our closest relationships are with the ones we share a home with, our immediate family.  They see the good, the bad, and the ugly.  If you have a good day, you come home and share those emotions and feelings.  If you have a day that didn’t go as planned, you tend to be transparent and let the feelings weave in and out of the evening, whether it is through discussions with your kids, husband, or just sitting on the couch taking it out on a pint of ice cream.  

Tonight, as I sit in my room writing this, I have a fan blowing full blast praying that my husband forgives me for burdening him with things that are not of importance at the end of the day.  “Our living rooms should not be the battlefield, the prayer room should be.”  We should take these frustrations/emotions and throw them above.  Yes, our house got a little heated, literally, tonight as we discussed our broken air conditioner and the dishwasher that needs to be repaired.  At the end of the day, my kids are healthy (maybe a little hot tonight, but dreaming in a comfy bed), I have a roof over my head, I had a good meal to eat, and I have a man that loves me unconditionally.  

So, our closest relationships, whether they be husband, wife, son, daughter, mother, or father, whomever you are most transparent with should be cherished.  I’m not saying that discussions should not be had, but what I am saying is that the harshness that is thrown about in some of those discussions are better off thrown above, filtered, and then laid back on our hearts in the right manner.  

As a side note…we are coming into the summer season.  Many of us are teachers and will be out of pocket over the next couple months.  I also, will be catching up on life and visiting with loved ones and doing a little traveling myself.  Thoughtful Thursdays are not coming to an end, just a pause until August.  If I felt led to send something out or if you have something that needs a little extra prayer, please keep in touch.  Until then, have an amazing summer.  

Be Blessed!