Wednesday, December 12, 2018


I absolutely love this time of year.  The magic that happens as you decorate, craft, bake, and wrap.  My son no longer is a “believer”, but helps us carry out the magic for our 8 year old daughter.  The magic in her step in the morning as she searches for the shinanigans that the elves have done once again.  The magic in her eyes as we read Christmas books.  She BELIEVES!  I know that this BELIEF will fade as she gets older, but I want to hang onto as long as possible.  I want her to BELIEVE as long as possible.  I want that innocence to stay pure and strong.  BELIEVING in the magic is what I desire for her to have forever.   Once that belief grows faint, my heart will be saddened.  

The children of Isreal had a strong belief as they busted through the gates of Egypt.  As they wandered the lands for 40 years, their excitement and belief faded.  They grumbled.  They feared.  They wanted to give up. God promised them that this would be worth fighting for once they entered the Promised Land.   He stayed with them each and every step of the way.  Whether it was a pillar of cloud or fire, He was present.  He gave guidance.  

Fear began to win. They began to look at what was around them - taking in the horizontal view rather than the vertical view.   

Numbers 14:11 New Life Version (NLV)
11 The Lord said to Moses, “How long will this people turn away from Me? How long will they not BELIEVE in Me, even after all the great works I have done among them?

God cherishes His relationship with us.  He wants nothing more than for us to BELIEVE.  That belief wavers every day, and sometimes every hour.  Just as I want my daughter to hold on tight to her BELIEF, He wants us to embrace His promises to us.  He wants us to live by His word and surrender all to Him.  

Isaiah 43:10 New Life Version (NLV)
10 “You can speak for Me,” says the Lord. “You are My servant whom I have chosen so that you may know and BELIEVE Me, and understand that I am He. No God was made before Me, and there will be none after Me.

Be reminded of Him as you see the magic of the season around you.  If you are in this season and feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, etc., that is you having a belief that is wavering.  Take time to open His word and be with Him.  Sometimes you have to slow down to speed up.  

Be Blessed!