Thursday, April 27, 2017

Godly Wisdom

James 1:5New Life Version (NLV)
If you do not have wisdom, ask God for it. He is always ready to give it to you and will never say you are wrong for asking.

James 3:17New Life Version (NLV)
17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure. Then it gives peace. It is gentle and willing to obey. It is full of loving-kindness and of doing good. It has no doubts and does not pretend to be something it is not.

James 3:13New Life Version (NLV)
Wisdom from Above
13 Who among you is wise and understands? Let that one show from a good life by the things he does that he is wise and gentle.

Proverbs 16:16New Life Version (NLV)
16 To get wisdom is much better than getting gold. To get understanding should be chosen instead of silver.

We are currently studying James in our small group.  This week I have been pondering the word wisdom a little more.  What does wisdom mean to you?  Below is the definition of wisdom:

Wisdom - the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

What is Godly wisdom?  I brainstormed what that meant to me and these were the characteristics that came to mind:  
-willing to obey God
-comes from above
-wise in my actions and words
-seeing the needs around me
-gentle hearted
-not doubting what God is telling me

Reading James 3:17 the characteristics of wisdom that are being pure, giving peace, being gentle, willing to obey, demonstrating loving-kindness, doing good, and not doubting.  

“wisdom is seeing things from God's perspective -- how does God see this -- and then responding to that according to biblical principles. That is, how am I to respond to this situation from God's viewpoint. That keeps me in the center of God's will, doing what God wants me to do, and enabling me to become the person that God wants me to be.” (

God also wants us to be meek.  He doesn’t want us to protest what He is telling us.  He wants us to tame our tongues and actions.  We need to have patience and be strong.  

So how can we apply this to our lives today.  We should be a noticer.   We need to be people who take in their surroundings, listens, one who is quick to listen and slow to respond, soak in what God is wanting us to act on and say, and then navigate through life in a way that honors Him.  We all have gifts and are all wise in our own ways.  But God put us here to weave our gifts and His Godly wisdom into our daily walk with HIm.  

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Hit the LOVE Button

Luke 24:16, 29
16 Something kept their eyes from seeing Who He was.
29 But they said to Him, “Stay with us. It will soon be evening. The day is about over.” He went in to stay with them. 30 As He sat at the table with them, He took the bread and gave thanks and broke it. Then He gave it to them. 31 And their eyes were opened and they knew Him. Then He left them and could not be seen. 

Isaiah 55:6New Life Version (NLV)
Look for the Lord while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near.

Hebrews 11:1New Life Version (NLV)
11 Now faith is being sure we will get what we hope for. It is being sure of what we cannot see.

“Just because they knew about Jesus does not mean they knew Him. Just because they could see Him does not mean they could see who He was. Many people today know who Jesus is. They have heard about Him, read about Him, use His name, and many even claim to know Him. They would not recognized Him if they saw Him. Their eyes have not been opened. Knowing about Him and knowing Him are two different things.” (

Social media is a hot topic in our world today.  In fact, we can create what we see in social media.  Has there ever been someone who you have “blocked” or “unfollowed” due to their feed or status’?  I’ll be the first to admit that I have done it a few times.  Why?  Because my eyes were just tired of seeing the negative.  I am not saying that doing this is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, but we do the same with our walk with HIM.  

The sermon at church this week was taken from Luke 24:13-35.  The men walking were being accompanied by Jesus, Himself.  They did not see that it was Him.  Their eyes were so shielded from the crucifixion.  Their minds were still set on the death of Christ.  They believed in Him, but yet they couldn’t see what was walking right beside them.  They had “blocked” Him from their vision.  

So how does this apply to our lives and our walk.  If our vision and/or thoughts are being blocked by the events in our lives, look to Him and see the true light.  He sees what we can’t see.  He has planned what is unexpected.  Don’t block Him from your news feed.  ‘Love’ His status’ ALWAYS!

Enjoy David Dunn - Today Is Beautiful 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Broken

Psalm 147:3New Life Version (NLV)
He heals those who have a broken heart. He heals their sorrows.

Psalm 34:18New Life Version (NLV)
18 The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart. And He saves those who are broken in spirit.

Romans 8:38New Life Version (NLV)
38 For I know that nothing can keep us from the love of God. Death cannot! Life cannot! Angels cannot! Leaders cannot! Any other power cannot! Hard things now or in the future cannot!

This world is a broken world.  God’s plan is not one that we can begin to understand, but it is always for HIS good.  However, when in the midst of situations it is really hard to pull our minds out of the dark trenches and focus on Him.  

I will be completely transparent in saying that I do not keep up with the news.  I do hear of the happenings and ripples in the world, but I tend to disconnect myself from them to a certain degree.  I don’t know why I do this, but I do.  I think it truly stems from 9/11.   We all watched the news unfold.  We all felt the devastation of our nation.  Some of us felt the devastation first hand by loosing a friend or family member.  It was an event in history no one will ever forget.  I became scared of what was going on in the world.  I started to retreat into my little comfortable life and close out the world around me.  God has a plan and I, selfishly, have been focusing on His plan in my life.  

This week a sweet friend was hit with the devastation in Egypt.  The church was the St. George Church in the Nile Delta town of Tanta.  She grew up in that church.  She has very fond memories of that church.  In fact, her mother, brother, and his young family where sitting in the pews the moment the bomb went off.  To see the devastation is one thing, but to hear her explain it and the terror she went through trying to get a hold of her mother, unbelievable.  My heart sank when I thought about how, that very morning, I was sitting, very comfortably, in an auditorium.  I was very freely worshipping and hearing what God had to tell ME.  I did not have a fear of what was going on around me or whether or not my family would be in danger.  

How naive of me to take the broken world and not truly pray for it?!?!?!  All week, my heart has been stirring for this sweet friend and her family.  Today she spoke of how members of that church gathered around the church in prayer.  God is not defined by a building, but by the presence of 2 or more people gathered praising His name.  In that moment, evil cringed.  To know that something so ugly, as the devastation of a bomb, can bring a community together to pray, is a beautiful thing.  God surrounds the broken hearted.  Nothing can keep us from the love of God.  

For me, I am now really praying for God to break my heart for people.  Break it and bring me to my knees.  I may not be in that situation, but I am called to be a Prayer Warrior for them.  I ask of you to pray for the broken world around us and that we can be a light in that dark world.  

Be Blessed!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Bring IT!!!

Galatians 5:22-23Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith,[a] 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.

These are strong qualities that we all want to possess.  When walking into a conversation, a room, or any public place, one of these qualities is missing, if not more. God gave us these fruits so that we can weave them into our lives.  When weaving them into our lives, we begin to make a difference around us.  

Why is it such a struggle to display these fruits?   Have I completely let the Spirit work in me?  Key word is COMPLETELY.  Do I completely surrender to HIS works on a daily basis?  At times, yes.  However, there are other times it is truly difficulty because I let the world around me guide my thoughts and actions.  

What would it look like if we stopped to take notice each time we entered a room, observed the environment, and found the fruits that were missing?  Then what if we took those missing fruits and put them into action.  God would be able to do HIS works through us.  He wants to give us fullness and reflect that unto others.  We need to bring these fruits into whatever situation we find ourselves in on a daily basis.  God wants us to BRING IT!  Bring the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control.  It is our job to BRING IT.  We are working for only 1 true BOSS, GOD.  He created us to do something…

Be Blessed!