Thursday, November 12, 2015

Focus on the Step Ahead

Deuteronomy 31:8  “The Lord is the One who goes before you.  He will be with you.  He will be faithful to you and will not leave you alone.  Do not be afraid or troubled.”

Romans 8:28 “We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him, and are chosen to be part of His plan.”

Last year I did my first 5K.  I AM NOT A RUNNER, I WALK REALLY FAST WHEN SOMEONE SAYS TO RUN.  However, I did RUN the whole 5K.  In that moment, I kept my head down, not wanting to look up to see how much further I had to go.  That is the moment I discovered that when I focus too much on the distance ahead of me, I feel like falling down and giving up.  I needed to just focus on the step in front of me, taking it, and then charging forward.  

God really put that into perspective for me a few weeks back.  I was in a moment of frustration one Sunday afternoon.  I grabbed my headphones, tied my laces, and took off running.  As I was running I started to look ahead.  I got overwhelmed with the distance.  Then I felt something fall on my neck.  I reached down and it was my necklace with a cross.  “I have this,” is what I heard Him say in that moment.  Don’t focus on the mile ahead, or the 100 feet ahead, focus on the step ahead.  

Our lives can be so overwhelming when we think about situations and how they are going to work themselves out.  I’m currently in a study called “Seamless” by Angie Smith.  I am going to quote a few things from my study this week, “We can all stand to be reminded that when the Lord has promised us something, we HOLD FAST to it regardless of circumstance and perceived ability.”  

Take a moment and look back on your journey.  What seasons have you been through or going through at the moment?  How did God, or how is God, working in and through you in those seasons?  “The disappointments that straggle us today will soon be forgotten…”  So keep your head down and focused on the moment you are in, because He has the future planned out perfectly for us.  HE HAS GOT THIS!

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