Thursday, November 19, 2015

Feeling Full Until...

2 Corinthians 6:12
"We are full of sorrow and yet we are always happy.  We are poor and yet we make many people rich.  We have nothing and yet we have everything."
Philippians 1:6
"I am sure that God who began the good work in you will keep on working in youuntil the day Jesus Christ comes again." 
Romans 15:4
“…By not giving up, God’s Word gives us strength and hope.”
2 Timothy 4:7  
"I have fought a good fight.  I have finished the work I was to do.  I have kept the faith." 

I am going to start todays’ Thoughtful Thursday off with a story, as a teacher we all like stories.  

One day in Kindergarten, my teacher gave us a project of glueing Fruit Loops to a paper in a pattern.  I was so excited about putting those fruit loops on my page and slipping few into my mouth.  As we lined up for dismissal, my teacher took one look at my paper and saw that it was a blank blue piece of construction paper with a remanence of glue and pieces of the fruit loops.  What happened to them?  Well, of course, I ate them.  Complete satisfaction…until I got home and wanted more.  

Ok, so how does this all tie in with what God has been speaking to my heart this week?  We look for pure filling and fullness.  By nature, we are always looking for the next best thing to satisfy something that is empty inside of us.  We all have bumps and bruises.  We all have been broken in life in some sort of fashion.  What do we look for to fill that emptiness that fills us in those moments?  Do we look for the fruit loops or do we look for HOPE through Him?  

In the midst of the sadness that is going on in the world today, and around us, we need hope.  God’s hope only comes from Him.  We have everything we need in Him.  Let him work in and through you and the situations you are in.  Keep faith and know that He gives us PURE HOPE to hang on to.  Keep fighting the good fight!

Side note…my mom didn’t allow us to have sugar cereals in our home.  Hence my addiction to Fruit Loops in my Kindergarten class.  (FYI…she knew what she was doing with her daughter who had a sweet tooth) :)

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