Thursday, December 10, 2015


2 Corth 12: 9 and then he told me, My grace is enough;  it’s all you need.  My strength comes into its own in your weakness.  Once I hardhat, I was glad to let it happen.  I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciation the gift.  It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness.

John 3:12 I tell you about things of the earth and you do NOT believe them.  How will you believe if I tell you about Heaven?


The last few weeks there have been certain words that have become the theme of Thoughtful Thursdays.  I have noticed them in the world around me, verses, the sermons on Sunday, and through discussions with friends.  

This week the word BELIEVE has been highlighted in several areas.  Yes, BELIEVE in the magic of Christmas, but what is truly magical about Christmas is not what is portrayed today.  We want our children to BELIEVE in the magic and we do all we can to create that magic for them.  We put a lot of effort into creating the magic.  Do we put that same effort into our relationship with Christ?  Do we BELIEVE that in the midst of a situation that He will carry us through?

Here is a visual:  Do we ever think about the chair we are sitting on failing us as we sit?  No. We sit and trust that the seat is going to hold us.  We trust wholeheartedly about 99.5% of the time.  So why do we not BELIEVE that HE will hold us.  Why do we wonder about the happenings of tomorrow?  Why do we not BELIEVE that He works for His good?  

Why?  Because of the world around us and how it clutters our minds.  Why?  Because we spend so much time in trying to create the “magic” or trying to create a “to do list” or checking Facebook or Pinterest…listing the “pollution” of my mind.  Do we spend that same effort in our relationship with Him as I do those “earthly matters”?  

Life is busy, but keeping in mind that the little moments with Him are just as important.   His love for us is overwhelming.  We just have to take the time to notice it, be captivated by it, and BELIEVE.

"Overwhelmed" by Bid Daddy Weave

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