Thursday, December 17, 2015

Pulling Each Other Through

Galatians 6:2 “Help each other in troubles and problems…”

Ephesians 4:16  “Christ has put each part of the church in its right place.  Each part helps other parts.  This is what is needed to keep the whole body together.  In this way, the whole body grows strong in love.”

Living in TN, August through October we would look to the skies and see geese flying south.  I never thought anything of why they are flying in a V formation.  (Here is an article that can explain that further: )  When we are burdened and have “boulders” weighing on our shoulders, we need to look to HIS word and others to help give us the strength to pull through.    Unity is the lesson that speaks the most to me.  Why is unity so important?  It is important because we can encourage and help one another.  God puts us here to not only spread the words to others, but to also be a community for each other.  Feeling alone is not anything He wants us to feel.  

We are all brought together from many walks of life, but we are all sisters and brothers in Christ.  You are not alone.   As we roll into 2016, I would like to add a small piece to our Thoughtful Thursdays.  If you have prayer requests, send them to me personally and I will add them to the bottom of our weekly emails.  Our paths may not physically cross on a day to day basis, but it can spiritually cross through prayer.  Take a moment to view the link below and I pray that you are lifted up today and during this season.  

Be blessed and Merry Christmas!

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