Thursday, January 7, 2016

Thorns in Our Lives

John 16:33  I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.

Isaiah 40:10  See, the Lord God will come with power, and His arm will rule for Him.  See, he is bringing the reward He will give to everyone for what he has done.  

Every single day we have to remind ourselves not to get caught up in__________________.  Fill in the blank with something that stirs your frustration, anger, etc.  This ends up putting a thorn in our side.  Christ came and then wore a Crown of Thorns so that we could give our thorns in our lives to Him.  IF WE LET HIM TAKE THAT THORN, he will give us PEACE.  We have to truly offer up that feeling of frustration and anger because it chisels away at our heart and the pure love that we have for Him.  God doesn't short change our lives or give us thorns, Satin LEADS us to feel that way.  

Yes, bad things occur, sickness, death, debt, marriages failing, and so many more things that weigh on our shoulders.  If we let it weigh on our shoulders, we are letting the thorn sit in our sides.  We have to continue to offer it up and continue to immerse ourselves in His love and His words.  

Be Blessed!

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