Thursday, February 11, 2016

Check Your Maintenance Light

Psalm 46:1-5, 7 "God is our safe place and our strength.  He is always our help when we are in trouble.  So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and the mountains fall into the enter of the sea, and even if its waters go wild with storm and mountains shake with its action.  There is a river whose waters make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most Hight lives.  God is the center of HER.  SHE WILL NOT BE MOVED. GOD WILL HELP HER when the morning comes...The Lord of All is with us.  The God of Jacob IS OUR STRONG-PLACE." 

Ok, so my husband and I notably joke about the “maintenance” lights that are on in our cars.   We have had them on in both our cars for as long as we have married, regardless of an old car or a newer vehicle.  Those lights tend to come on and flash in front of me.  The first moment of them coming on, my blood pressure seems to get a little higher.  Thoughts tend to run 10 different directions on trying to diagnose the problem MYSELF.  Yes, we do eventually get it checked out, but for the most part, they get ignored until we start to notice something that is “not normal” while driving.  

In our lives, we tend to run until we can’t stop.  If God sends us a signal, that we need to stop and do some “maintenance” do we?  Or do we ignore the signs, turn the radio up a little louder, or better yet, cover the dash board up with a positive quote card so that we don’t see the maintenance light (yeap…that would be me).  Thank goodness that I’m not the driver in the vehicle of life.  

God is always within and completely in charge.  Psalm 46:1 “God is our safe place and our strength.  He is always our help when we are in trouble.”  Do we notice the maintenance lights or do we ignore them until our vehicle starts to show signs of trouble?  If we become believers who maintain our faith engine, He will be within us and when He is, “She will not be moved.  God will help her…God is our strong-place.” (Psalm 46:5,7)

'More Than Conquerors" from Rend Collective

Be Blessed!

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