Thursday, February 4, 2016

Reflecting His Light

John 8:12 “…I am the Light of the world  Anyone who follows Me will not walk in darkness.  He will have the Light of Life.”

Ephesians 5:13  “All good things can be seen when they are in the light.  Everything that can be seen is in the light.”

Matthew 5:14,16 “You are the LIGHT of the world.  you cannot hide a city that is on a mountain…Let you light shine in front of men.  They they will see the good things you do and honor your Father Who is in Heaven.”

Our main source of light comes from the sun.  Even the moon depends on the Sun’s light to reflect upon it for us to see in the dark of night.  Light can be so blinding at times.  However, it is what our planet depends on for survival.   

Now, visualize the Sun being our Heavenly Father, and we are the moon.  At night, when there is no moon, it is dark.  Complete darkness is scary to most.   We are the light in a dark world.  The people around us daily may or may not have a relationship with the Lord, but they do have a relationship with you.  Dr. Daniel Doriani states, “Many people find it hard to look at the Word of God, but they do observe the people who reflect it.”  

Are we reflecting the His light?  Are we letting our “Sundays” bleed into our Mondays with our actions and our words?  2 Corinthians 4:6 tells us that He is the one that shines in our hearts.  If we allow the light to shine through, regardless of who we are talking to or what we are talking about, “God’s shining-greatness” will not be contained.  Let your light shine today!

Be Blessed!

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