Thursday, April 21, 2016

My Beautiful Hot Mess

Matthew 6:34  “Do Not worry about tomorrow.  Tomorrow will have its own worries.  The troubles we have in a day are enough for one day.”

Proverbs 12:25 “Worry in the heart of a man weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad.”

We are our worst critics.  We reflect on our actions daily.  “What could I have done better today?” “Am I 100% in all areas?”  Then we proceed to let those thoughts weigh heavy on our shoulders.  We critic our journeys, beat ourselves up mentally, and exhaust resources to make ourselves better.  At times it feels like we are swimming in a deep pool, trying to keep the cinder block in our arms above water.  

For the educators reading this, we are evaluated through a system we all know too well.  When an administrator comes in with iPad in hand, the nerves start to build up, we tend to highlight the best in the room, and sweep the little imperfect pieces under the carpet in hopes that they won’t be revealed.  

Well, thank goodness God doesn’t walk into our lives with an evaluation system.  Thank goodness He can see the good and the bad then love us unconditionally.  No matter what, His love is never changing.  We can be a huge success, and He loves us.  We can be a huge failure, and He loves us.  

Please don’t read this thinking that you need to find a “comfort zone” and just feel God’s love.  God doesn’t want us to have a stagnant life, He wants us to have an active life.  A life that reflects His unconditional love to others.  So, if today is one big “hot mess”, rest knowing that He doesn’t see it as a “hot chaotic mess”, He sees it as a “beautiful hot mess”.  

Lauren Daigle “Here’s My Heart Lord”

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