Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Do not forget who truly is in charge!

Jeremiah 29:13New Life Version (NLV)
13 You will look for Me and find Me, when you look for Me with all your heart.

Genesis 28:15New Life Version (NLV)
15 See, I am with you. I will care for you everywhere you go. And I will bring you again to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done all the things I promised you.”

Philippians 4:8New Life Version (NLV)
Christian brothers, keep your minds thinking about whatever is true, whatever is respected, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever can be loved, and whatever is well thought of. If there is anything good and worth giving thanks for, think about these things.

2 Corinthians 4:18New Life Version (NLV)
18 We do not look at the things that can be seen. We look at the things that cannot be seen. The things that can be seen will come to an end. But the things that cannot be seen will last forever.

My heart has been saddened over the last 24 hours.  Saddened in the disheartening things that have been on my Facebook feed.  As I said last week…I’m not going political, I PROMISE.  What saddens me is not the outcome of the election, but the way that so many have reacted to the outcome of the election.  “Our true priority should be seeking Christ and His kingdom above all else because if we do, we will have all that we need (Matt 6:33).” (How To Know You Are A Christian: 10 Traits Of A True Christian, Jack Wellman)

Do you remember the old statement “What would Jesus do”  (WWDJ bracelets were owned by many of us)?  Well, here is what Jesus would do…LOVE.  

Matthew 5:43-48New Life Version (NLV)
Jesus Teaches about Loving Those Who Hate You
43 “You have heard that it has been said, ‘You must love your neighbor and hate those who hate you.’ 44 But I tell you, love those who hate you. (*Respect and give thanks for those who say bad things to you. Do good to those who hate you.) Pray for those who do bad things to you and who make it hard for you. 45 Then you may be the sons of your Father Who is in heaven. His sun shines on bad people and on good people. He sends rain on those who are right with God and on those who are not right with God. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward can you expect from that? Do not even the tax-gatherers do that? 47 If you say hello only to the people you like, are you doing any more than others? The people who do not know God do that much. 48 You must be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect.

NOTHING on this Earth will ever be perfect.  In fact, eventually the world will be in turmoil, beyond what we can imagine. 

Do I fully believe that the leaders of this country will lead the way I want them too?  NO!  However, I know for sure, without a doubt, that God will lead us the way we need to be lead.   NO HUMAN CAN DO THAT.  As you listen to Natalie Grant’s “King of the World” replace “I” with “WE”.  

I have put more verses in this week’s Thoughtful Thursday because we need more of HIM in this World.  

My prayer:  God please forgive us.  Forgive us for putting so much faith in the “person” who is leading this country.  Forgive us for not fully trusting YOU.  Help us to see YOU in our everyday life and give you the glory YOU deserve.  Amen.

Be Blessed!

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