Wednesday, August 23, 2017

My Prayer

Exodus 18:17-18Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
17 “What you’re doing is not good,” Moses’ father-in-law said to him. 18 “You will certainly wear out both yourself and these people who are with you, because the task is too heavy for you. You can’t do it alone.”

Psalm 46:10New Life Version (NLV)
10 Be quiet and know that I am God. I will be honored among the nations. I will be honored in the earth.

Life can be very chaotic.  To the point of where we fill out time and life with the little things that don’t truly matter.  After really digging and reflecting on my heart and life this summer, I realized that I had a huge issue with “gluttony”. Not gluttony of over eating, but gluttony of over scheduling.  This is a prayer I wrote after a good, soul searching summer.  

My prayer…
As I come home from a reflective summer in Nashville, I feel excited, anxious, full of life, and strength.  This past year my plate of life was full.  Full of planned activities and events.  My goal was “to do more and be more for others”.  In doing that, I was saving the leftovers for my family.  I was swimming up stream and having no emotional energy for my family.  Even when I was present with my family, I wasn’t truly “present”.  The list that I had in my head was ongoing and taking up my brain space to the point that I could sit and be with my kids, but I truly wasn’t “being” with them.  

So I HAVE to change.  I’m going to take what has been engrained within my heart and soul and put it into action.  I’m going to block out periods of time for my devotionals and time with You.  I’m going to spend more time with Adam and being intentional about that time.  I’m going to pour into others, but not at the expense of the ones I love most.  I will set boundaries and arrange my schedule so that I am not stretched beyond my mental abilities.  

In this next season of life, I pray that I stay strong in giving time to my faith, marriage, kids, and our business.  Lord, please help me to stay focused on these goals that you have laid on my heart.  

Your loving and devoted daughter, 


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