Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Jesus Glasses

 1 Samuel 16:7New Life Version (NLV)
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at the way he looks on the outside or how tall he is, because I have not chosen him. For the Lord does not look at the things man looks at. A man looks at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Isaiah 6:10New Life Version (NLV)
10 Make the hearts of these people hard. May their ears hear little and their eyes see little. Or they will see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts, and turn again and be healed.”

X-Ray vision is a super power.  I am not one to want to possess this super power.  However, I do wish that I would be reminded that I need to have the super power of being a noticer.  What I mean by that, is just simply stop being so wrapped up in my feelings and pay more attention to others and the hurting world around me.  My eyes distort things around me making it impossible to see what HE sees.  I just wish I could purchase some “Jesus Glasses” that would give me His vision.    

Jesus lived a perfect life, modeling how we should treat one another.  He didn’t look at one person any different than the next.  His love was pure and whole.  He didn’t just see the outside of the person, but what that person carried on the inside.  

Today I passed a sweet friend and noticed that her eyes were heavier than normal.  She didn’t look tired, but she looked worn.  Worn from stress that is eating inside of her.  Just stopping to ask how she was, took a brief second.  However, I feel that she needed more than just a brief moment in my time.  So tomorrow, I am going to make it a point to reach out and make sure that she feels God’s love for her through me.  

Be a noticer.  Be someone who takes the anger, hurt, sad, etc. and helps in a way that He would want us to be.  We are his disciples, doing His work for Him in a dark world.  Be the light that this world needs.  

Be Blessed!

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