Wednesday, January 9, 2019

White as Snow

Isaiah 1:18 New Life Version (NLV)
18 “Come now, let us think about this together,” says the Lord. “Even though your sins are bright red, they will be as white as snow. Even though they are dark red, they will be like wool.

This past weekend the weather was perfect.  I grabbed ahold of the opportunity to go out and power wash our driveway.  I know that does not sound like the best way to spend a beautiful SW Florida day in January, but it needed to be done.  It took me over 5 hours.  At first, I used the attachment that had the brush.  It took several times running over a patch before it would be clean.  Even then there were still some spots.  After about the first 2 hours, I switched to another attachment that had a little more power, but took more time.  The gunk that was coming off of our seemingly somewhat dirty driveway was horrific.  It would take multiple times over certain spots to it clean.  As I was cleaning, I starting thinking of how I would have to do this again in another year.  Then it hit me.  I AM VERY MUCH LIKE MY DRIVEWAY!  I continually am covered in the “gunk” of life and have to be hosed down by God’s love daily, not yearly, but daily.  

1 John 1:9 New Life Version (NLV)
If we tell Him our sins, He is faithful and we can depend on Him to forgive us of our sins. He will make our lives clean from all sin.

I sat there and wondered how many times does He have to spray me down before I remain “white as snow”.  He has so much patience and grace with me.  He doesn’t care how long it takes or how often He has to go over my sins with a not just a pressure washer you purchase at Lowes, but a professional pressure washer.  

Isaiah 43:25 New Life Version (NLV)
25 “I, even I, am the One Who takes away your sins because of Who I am. And I will not remember your sins.

So regardless of what sins you have or how long you have carried those burdens, He will take them away and forget they ever happened.  

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