Thursday, March 3, 2016

Faith vs. Hope

Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for.  It is being sure of what we CANNOT SEE.”

2 Corinthians 5:7 “Our life is lived by faith.  We do not live by what we see in front of us.”

Faith vs. Hope

We have all had an instance when the electricity has gone out, whether it be for a few moments or even a few days.  How many times have you gone into a room, while without electricity, and hit the switch out of habit?  We then have a few seconds of frustration and then the knowledge of knowing it will come back on once the problem has been fixed.  This is called “faith”.  If we were wondering “IF” it would come back on, that would be called “hope”.

Reflecting back on different seasons of my life, I have seen so many seasons where I have displayed “hope” rather than faith.  “I hope I get this job.”  “I hope that my child does well in the tournament.”  “I hope __________.”  Do you sit in a chair and hope it holds you up?  No, we sit in a chair having faith that it will hold us up.  Faith is knowing it will happen, even if we don’t understand how it is going to happen.  Faith is knowing that the outcome may not be what we predict, but it will have benefits that we never dreamed up.  Faith is knowing that regardless of what the next step in our lives may be, He is holding our hand and/or carrying us through.  

How do we tap into this “faith”?  Flip the switch and know that He will always light up the room and show you the way when it is time.  Stay rooted in His truth and clarity with come in time, His time.  TRUST IN HIM AND HAVE FAITH!

Lauren Daigle - Trust In You

Be Blessed.

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