Thursday, March 31, 2016

Missing Piece

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord will all of your heart, and do not trust in your own understanding.  Agree with Him in ALL your ways and He will make you path’s straight.”

Jeremiah 29: 13-14 “You will look for Me and find Me, WHEN you look for Me with ALL OF YOUR HEART.”

Recently my mother brought something to my attention that I have never noticed before.  Do you see what is missing?  Let’s see if you can figure it out as I unravel what He has on my heart tonight.  

In John 12:1-8, it discusses a scenario in which Mary, whom most of us know that Mary is the one who sits at Jesus’ feet while Martha works and puts food on the table (also note Martha gets very frustrated with the details of the house and not Jesus).  Mary takes her most prized possession and pours it over Jesus’ feet, wipes them with her hair, and then clings to His feet.  She clutches so tightly and is hanging on knowing He is the most important detail of that dinner.  

We all are Martha’s and Mary’s at some point, if not changing roles daily.  Our minds get so caught up in the daily agenda, that we forget to cling to His feet.  We have to let him in our hearts and in our minds.  “God has deliberately chosen this particular vehicle (prayer) as the one that drives HIS activity in people’s lives.  It’s what He allows us to use to cooperate and partner with Him in the fulfilling of HIS will.” (Fervent, Priscilla Shirer).  

Have you figured out the missing piece to that picture?  It is missing a door knob.  WE have to let Him in.  He can’t let Himself in our hearts, minds, and lives.  WE HAVE TO LET HIM IN!  So, get out your tool boxes and start working on that door handle, because He is knocking.  

Be Blessed!

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