Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tune In

2 Timothy 3:16-17New Life Version (NLV)
16 All the Holy Writings are God-given and are made alive by Him. Man is helped when he is taught God’s Word. It shows what is wrong. It changes the way of a man’s life. It shows him how to be right with God. 17 It gives the man who belongs to God everything he needs to work well for Him.

Luke 8:8The Message (MSG)
…“Are you listening to this? Really listening?”

There is one thing that I dislike about the radio when traveling.  When you are in between cities, you have to search to find stations that have clear reception.  (I am putting XM radio on my wish list when we shop for a new car in the very FAR future.)  My husband sometimes will continue to listen to the static and unrecognizable tunes.  I immediately change the channels so that I can find a clearer station.  

God’s frequency is sometimes really clear and sometimes full of white noise or static.  How do we find a clear frequency?  It takes more than just scanning the stations.  It takes being tuned into Him.  

“The longer you grow in your relationship with the Lord, the easier it is to know when he’s talking to you. The key is learning how to tune in to him.”  Rick Warren

Sometimes it is a whisper through his natural creation around us.  Sometimes it is something He is saying through situations or people around us.  Sometimes it is a bold, noticeable shout that you can’t ignore.  

How do we clear up God’s frequency?  Are you being intentional in noticing the signs He puts on the side of the road during your daily travels?  Do you take time to hear that voice that is pulling you in a different direction?  When you notice those signs or voices, do you change the station or tune into that frequency?  The times that I hear the Lord shouting to me, I know, without a doubt, that it is coming from Him because it aligns with what He has been telling me through His word.  However, those times are few and far between for me.  Not because He wants to make life hard, but because He wants to make my heart desire to tune in and listen HARD.  

So, let his Love flood your heart radio.  Let Him overtake your speakers and enjoy His presence in your life.  


Be Blessed!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Planting Seeds

Galatians 6:10New Life Version (NLV)
10 Because of this, we should do good to everyone. For sure, we should do good to those who belong to Christ.

Acts 20:35New Life Version (NLV)
35 In every way I showed you that by working hard like this we can help those who are weak. We must remember what the Lord Jesus said, ‘We are more happy when we give than when we receive.’ 

Colossians 3:23-24New Life Version (NLV)
23 Whatever work you do, do it with all your heart. Do it for the Lord and not for men. 24 Remember that you will get your reward from the Lord. He will give you what you should receive. You are working for the Lord Christ.

Daily we see someone in need.  Yesterday, I was walking down the hallway after school, I ran into a custodian who had been crying.  She was walking out of an empty classroom and look very distraught.  My immediate reaction was to look the other way and keep walking.  God tugged on my heart to just go and give her a hug, but I kept walking.  The language barrier had laid fear on my heart.

God’s universal language is LOVE.  If we see a need or feel a tug to help out, seize that opportunity.  This is how others see God.  We are reflecting God’s LOVE.   God plants seeds through us as his followers and disciples.  These seeds may or may not grow in front of us.  However, if the person’s heart is ready to receive the seed it will grow.  If it is not, but over time, that person keeps seeing God’s love reflected in the world around him/her, HIS LOVE will grow.  If we stop spreading the seed, His love will die.  

Below you will find a clip on Bamboo.  So many times we don’t “reap what we sow”.  However, are we sewing seed for us or are we sewing seed for HIM?  His love will not grow if it is not continually watered on seeds that have hit the ground.  Watch this clip and think about how this applies to God’s love and the seeds that we plant and how, if over time we all keep watering, it will shoot up to the sky.  Patience and Perseverance is what HE gives us.  We may not see the growth immediately, but over time…we will make a difference.

Tomorrow my goal is to find that custodian and give her a hug.  I will try to explain myself, but will pray that God’s LOVE will break that language barrier just long enough for her to feel HIS LOVE.

Be Blessed!  

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Do NOT Think Before You React

Matthew 6:25-26; 31-34New Life Version (NLV)
Jesus Teaches about Cares of Life
25 “I tell you this: Do not worry about your life. Do not worry about what you are going to eat and drink. Do not worry about what you are going to wear. Is not life more important than food? Is not the body more important than clothes? 26 Look at the birds in the sky. They do not plant seeds. They do not gather grain. They do not put grain into a building to keep. Yet your Father in heaven feeds them! Are you not more important than the birds? 

31 Do not worry. Do not keep saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or, ‘What will we drink?’ or, ‘What will we wear?’ 32 The people who do not know God are looking for all these things. Your Father in heaven knows you need all these things. 33 First of all, look for the holy nation of God. Be right with Him. All these other things will be given to you also. 34 Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will have its own worries. The troubles we have in a day are enough for one day.

Most kids have no fear.  So many times I have to remind them to think before they react.  It is our jobs, as parents and adults, to help keep them safe.  Going back to fear…why don’t they have this fear?  The older they get, the more they will become fearful because of their awareness of the world around them.    

Yesterday morning (Wednesday morning) @ 4:36am, I woke up with this startling thought.  It was more of Him speaking to me more than anything else.  I kept trying to roll back over and fall back asleep (due to be being excited about not having school and no alarm clock days make me so happy).  I kept tossing this idea around and then the fear sank in.  I felt that nudge.  The nudge to go and open the word.  So I grabbed my Bible and my favorite blanket to sit quietly on the couch.  I had no clue what He was going to point out, but it was clear that He had something to tell me.  My Bible fell open to Matthew 6.  I sat there in awe of what He was pointing out.  He takes care of the birds and they don’t fear.  So if He takes care of birds, I know he has got me.  

Later yesterday, I found a letter that my Dad had written me my first week of college.  l truly don’t remember getting this letter, but it is one that I will now cherish and read frequently.  In it he states, “Overcome fear, it is the sin that separates us from God.”  

So, that thought or idea that He had stirring in my heart and on my mind is something I will pray about daily.  I know that if that if He is wanting me to move in that direction, the doors will open and things will fall into place as they should.  It’s hard for me not to look at Him and say, “Really!  Right now you want me to tackle this.” “Seriously!”  The He just responds right back to me with I take care of the birds, don’t you have faith that I will take care of you?!?!  “Ok, God.  I get it.  Step forward and it will be shown to me.”  So in this case, I will not think before I react.  I will react as it is presented.  Reverting back to my childhood innocence and lack of fear.  What is He telling you?  Have faith and know that even though it might be scary, He will always be by your side.

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Trust and Wait

Psalm 37:3New Life Version (NLV)
Trust in the Lord, and do good.
Psalm 37:4New Life Version (NLV)
Be happy in the Lord. And He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:5New Life Version (NLV)
Give your way over to the Lord. Trust in Him also. And He will do it.
Psalm 37:9New Life Version (NLV)
For those who do wrong will be cut off. But those who wait for the Lord will be given the earth.

Trust and Wait

I love how HE puts puzzle pieces together right before your eyes.  We have had our house on the market for almost a year.  We were 4 weeks out of taking it off the market.  Last week we had someone come forth that had interest.  We had NO homes on our list to go and visit.  The very next morning we found out that a home we were VERY interested in had a pending contract fall through and was going to be going back on the market.  We, as we were driving up for a weekend getaway to the mountains, were on the phone most of the day on Thursday working out the financial details.  God’s timing was perfect.  We were blessed with time away from the kids to talk this out.  
Then the waiting began….Friday I couldn’t take my mind off of the situation and enjoy the weekend that was facing me.  I kept checking my phone and running different scenarios in my head.  Then Saturday morning, I spent my quiet time in the midst of his natural beauty in the mountains.  The cold crisp fall air was refreshing.  The sounds and feel of the nature around me was fulfilling.  It was at that moment, I prayed that HIS word would clear my mind and lay peace on my heart.  My Bible fell open to Psalm 37 and this is how He read it to me: 
Psalm 37:3
TRUST in HIM and do good…
Be HAPPY in what He has given me and He will continue to provide…
Give it over to HIM - TRUST in His way and it (only he knows what IT is) will happen
WAIT for HIM because HE loves me whole heartedly and unconditionally and HE HAS MY BACK.  


I left that patio, after a peaceful cry, leaving it at HIS feet.  The rest of the weekend I was in the moment and enjoying all that He had given me to enjoy.  Monday, we received the call.  We had an offer and were putting in an offer on our dream home.  We are 45 days out of closing, but I know that God has got this under control.  Because HE IS THE KING OF THE WORLD.

Enjoy the following link:

Natalie Grant "King of the World"

Be Blessed!