Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Trust and Wait

Psalm 37:3New Life Version (NLV)
Trust in the Lord, and do good.
Psalm 37:4New Life Version (NLV)
Be happy in the Lord. And He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:5New Life Version (NLV)
Give your way over to the Lord. Trust in Him also. And He will do it.
Psalm 37:9New Life Version (NLV)
For those who do wrong will be cut off. But those who wait for the Lord will be given the earth.

Trust and Wait

I love how HE puts puzzle pieces together right before your eyes.  We have had our house on the market for almost a year.  We were 4 weeks out of taking it off the market.  Last week we had someone come forth that had interest.  We had NO homes on our list to go and visit.  The very next morning we found out that a home we were VERY interested in had a pending contract fall through and was going to be going back on the market.  We, as we were driving up for a weekend getaway to the mountains, were on the phone most of the day on Thursday working out the financial details.  God’s timing was perfect.  We were blessed with time away from the kids to talk this out.  
Then the waiting began….Friday I couldn’t take my mind off of the situation and enjoy the weekend that was facing me.  I kept checking my phone and running different scenarios in my head.  Then Saturday morning, I spent my quiet time in the midst of his natural beauty in the mountains.  The cold crisp fall air was refreshing.  The sounds and feel of the nature around me was fulfilling.  It was at that moment, I prayed that HIS word would clear my mind and lay peace on my heart.  My Bible fell open to Psalm 37 and this is how He read it to me: 
Psalm 37:3
TRUST in HIM and do good…
Be HAPPY in what He has given me and He will continue to provide…
Give it over to HIM - TRUST in His way and it (only he knows what IT is) will happen
WAIT for HIM because HE loves me whole heartedly and unconditionally and HE HAS MY BACK.  


I left that patio, after a peaceful cry, leaving it at HIS feet.  The rest of the weekend I was in the moment and enjoying all that He had given me to enjoy.  Monday, we received the call.  We had an offer and were putting in an offer on our dream home.  We are 45 days out of closing, but I know that God has got this under control.  Because HE IS THE KING OF THE WORLD.

Enjoy the following link:

Natalie Grant "King of the World"

Be Blessed!

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