Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tune In

2 Timothy 3:16-17New Life Version (NLV)
16 All the Holy Writings are God-given and are made alive by Him. Man is helped when he is taught God’s Word. It shows what is wrong. It changes the way of a man’s life. It shows him how to be right with God. 17 It gives the man who belongs to God everything he needs to work well for Him.

Luke 8:8The Message (MSG)
…“Are you listening to this? Really listening?”

There is one thing that I dislike about the radio when traveling.  When you are in between cities, you have to search to find stations that have clear reception.  (I am putting XM radio on my wish list when we shop for a new car in the very FAR future.)  My husband sometimes will continue to listen to the static and unrecognizable tunes.  I immediately change the channels so that I can find a clearer station.  

God’s frequency is sometimes really clear and sometimes full of white noise or static.  How do we find a clear frequency?  It takes more than just scanning the stations.  It takes being tuned into Him.  

“The longer you grow in your relationship with the Lord, the easier it is to know when he’s talking to you. The key is learning how to tune in to him.”  Rick Warren

Sometimes it is a whisper through his natural creation around us.  Sometimes it is something He is saying through situations or people around us.  Sometimes it is a bold, noticeable shout that you can’t ignore.  

How do we clear up God’s frequency?  Are you being intentional in noticing the signs He puts on the side of the road during your daily travels?  Do you take time to hear that voice that is pulling you in a different direction?  When you notice those signs or voices, do you change the station or tune into that frequency?  The times that I hear the Lord shouting to me, I know, without a doubt, that it is coming from Him because it aligns with what He has been telling me through His word.  However, those times are few and far between for me.  Not because He wants to make life hard, but because He wants to make my heart desire to tune in and listen HARD.  

So, let his Love flood your heart radio.  Let Him overtake your speakers and enjoy His presence in your life.  


Be Blessed!

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