Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Bold Believers

1 Thessalonians 2:2, 8
They must not speak bad of anyone, and they must not argue. They should be gentle and kind to all people.

What I have told you is true. Teach these things all the time so those who have put their trust in God will be careful to do good things. These things are good and will help all men.

Colossians 4:5-6
Be wise in the way you live around those who are not Christians. Make good use of your time. Speak with them in such a way they will want to listen to you. Do not let your talk sound foolish. Know how to give the right answer to anyone.

Being BOLD BELIEVERS can be very difficult, especially if you have been wronged or are in a situation that you feel weak.  We want to do 1 of 2 things:  1. run and hide, or 2. face that issue head on, not reflecting God’s love, but your  Earthly anger.  

I’m currently working through a Beth Moore study titled “Entrusted”.  She broke down the word COWARD for us last week.   This word came from coe "tail," or from Latin coda, popular cauda “tail”.  Think about what it looks like when you see a white cotton tail hop across the road as you are driving.  What does it do?  It runs as fast as it can the other way.  All we see is the white little bob jumping into the nearest bush or brush.  What does the enemy want us to do when we are faced with an obstacle in our lives?  He wants us to RUN and drive us away from what God has created us to be.  

Being a BOLD BELIEVER means to be wise in our actions and reactions, speak with confidence and strength so that they may feel God’s love and want to know more about Him, be meek and humble, but yet strong about God’s will.   Some of the seeds you plant, you may not see grow.  However, you have scattered God’s seed.  He will continue to nurture that seed through other disciples in that person’s life.  Let go of the negative feelings and let God’s love bring you closer to Him.  God doesn’t want us to live a life of regret and worry.  He wants us to truly trust Him and rely completely on Him to carry us through those tough situations.  Be a Bold Believer!

Be Blessed!

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