Wednesday, February 1, 2017

God's Mission

John 15:16New Life Version (NLV)
16 You have not chosen Me, I have chosen you. I have set you apart for the work of bringing in fruit. Your fruit should last. And whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you.

3 years ago, I was given a task that seemed easy.  However, I struggled/fought with it for months.  What was my purpose?  We have all been blessed with titles such as wife, husband, mother, father, daughter, son, friend, mentor, teacher, etc.  Those titles come to us and we begin to fit into that “box”.  That title starts to define who we are as a person and what we do in our actions.  So, why was it so hard for me to define my purpose?  I had to really dig deep to excavate this purpose.  I had limited myself to being a wife who takes care of her husband, a mother who comforts her children, and a teacher who, well, teaches.  Something was pulling on my heart to do more with those titles/blessings.  

God gives us all a mission.  He looks at all of us the same (Galations 2:6b), but places us together on this earth to accomplish something different.  Breaking beyond our comfort zone is hard.  Chiseling away at who I had become to make something better for HIM was and still is NOT easy.  However, I have discovered that wherever my journey takes me my purpose is the following:

“I do life with God so that I can do more and be more for my family and others around me.”  

Through the hardest times, His hand was placed on my heart.  He always guides me through those valleys.  You see, 3 years ago, my father was towards the end of his journey here on Earth.  I really reflected on him and all that he had accomplished in his lifetime.  He was more than a husband, a father, a son, a brother, an uncle, a pharmacist, a friend…the list could go on.  He was more than those titles.   He was a man of God and walking God’s mission in his life.  

What is your purpose?  What is your mission?  Take time to meditate on those thoughts and truly listen to HIM.   

Be Blessed!

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