Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Change is...

James 1:4The Message (MSG)
Faith Under Pressure
2-4 Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.

Romans 5:3-5New Life Version (NLV)
We are glad for our troubles also. We know that troubles help us learn not to give up. When we have learned not to give up, it shows we have stood the test. When we have stood the test, it gives us hope. Hope never makes us ashamed because the love of God has come into our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who was given to us.

My parents always told me that anything was possible.  If I put my mind to do something, I could achieve it.  They also instilled in me that they didn’t raise quitters.  Make a commitment and stick to it, was their motto.  In my 20’s, I didn’t really hang onto those words.  I was strolling through life, riding the roller coaster of ups and downs.  I was successful in some areas, but lacking in others.  Professionally I was doing well.  Personally, with my marriage and taking care of myself, I was doing OK.  After time, “ok” wasn’t going to cut it.  I had to make some changes.  I had to dig deep and really look at myself.  Where does my heart really lie?  I had to have a mindset change.  I needed to put all excuses aside and make some CHANGES.  I knew that this was something He had placed in front of me.  I even remember telling the women at my Bible Study, I felt like God was telling me NOT to jump and move forward.  Well, that was NOT what God was telling me.  Instead, He was asking me to jump and make a change.  

God has a mission for each and every one of us.  Wherever you are, you are meant to be in that place.  Plant you feet and take in the view.  There are really bad days and some really awesome days.  However, be prepared for God to interrupt “normalcy” to dig you up and replant you somewhere else.  Change is a scary word, but in order to be more and do more, we have to try “change”. 
On the other hand, a difficult event may happen in your life that you don’t understand, God is still with you and working through that with you.  It may not be something you understand at the moment, but later, God will reveal the “why” behind that happening.  
“God is often working behind the scenes of your life, orchestrating HIs destiny for you.”  (Steven Furtick, 2016)
God knows our path and which direction we will go.  We just need to Trust.  He is orchestrating it all for the good.  

I love sitting and reflecting on the past 4 years and seeing how my life has unfolded with the simple act of trusting and making a change, which has lead to so many other changes.  I also love sitting and wondering where He will have me go next.  What will my future struggles be?  What will those struggles teach me?  Sometimes you have to just let go and trust.  

"I will trust in you" by Lauren Daigle w/lyrics

Be Blessed!

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