Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mental Battles

Proverbs 4:25
Let your eyes look straight in front of you, and keep looking at what is in front of you. 26 Watch the path of your feet, and all your ways will be sure.

Romans 12:2New Life Version (NLV)
Do not act like the sinful people of the world. Let God change your life. First of all, let Him give you a new mind. Then you will know what God wants you to do. And the things you do will be good and pleasing and perfect.

2 Samuel 22:40New Life Version (NLV)
40 For You have dressed me with strength for battle. You have put under me those who came against me.

Today I had a conversation with my mom about being more for others.  What does that mean to you?  To me, it is doing and being all that I can for the people in my life.  Sometimes being more for others is planned, but most of the time it is random.   This weekend my family and I took our annual Mother’s Day weekend vacation.  I took a well needed “brain break”.  In the midst of that, I was in the moment with my kids and created memories.  Memories that they will hold onto for a long time.  However, as I stepped back into the daily routine on Tuesday, my brain started thinking about all the opportunities I had missed or how I didn’t keep track of something I should have been on top of.  I literally became my own enemy, fighting the battle of negativity in my own head.  This is a battle I have to prepare for daily.  

“Plant beauty, grow beauty.  Plant thorns, grow thorns.  Time will allow for either.”  
(Lysa TerKeurst, Uninvited

Putting on my “armor of God” is where that all changes.  In that moment, of course after fighting my thoughts for a few minutes, I realized that I didn’t miss out on those opportunities or loose track of myself.  Why?  Because I was soaking up the moments with my family.  I gave God those thoughts of negativity.  I thanked Him that no one else could see the battles that go on inside me.  I thanked Him for his grace and strength.  Today was a new day.  I took a step forward and began my day with the attitude that I will do what I can in the moments sitting right in front of me.  I’m going to plant as much beauty with my words and actions.  Why?  Because this reflects His love and that is my purpose.  If I plant those negative thoughts and dwell in them, I’m planting thorns that will continue to take over like weeds.  So, today, whatever your mental battle is, give those “thorns” to Him and let Him plant a beautiful garden of thoughts for you.

Be Blessed

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