Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I deserve...

Titus 2:11-12New Life Version (NLV)
11 God’s free gift of being saved is being given to everyone. 12 We are taught to have nothing to do with that which is against God. We are to have nothing to do with the desires of this world. We are to be wise and to be right with God. We are to live God-like lives in this world.

Galatians 5:22-24New Life Version (NLV)

22 But the fruit that comes from having the Holy Spirit in our lives is: love, joy, peace, not giving up, being kind, being good, having faith, 23 being gentle, and being the boss over our own desires. The Law is not against these things. 24 Those of us who belong to Christ have nailed our sinful old selves on His cross. Our sinful desires are now dead.

Ephesians 2:8-10New Life Version (NLV)
For by His loving-favor you have been saved from the punishment of sin through faith. It is not by anything you have done. It is a gift of God. It is not given to you because you worked for it. If you could work for it, you would be proud. 10 We are His work. He has made us to belong to Christ Jesus so we can work for Him. He planned that we should do this.

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday… 
None of these are bad when you have complete self-control when shopping and spending.  Last Friday, Adam and I went on our annual, Christmas shopping excursion.  We always leave excited and have fun while walking through the first few stores, but by the end of the evening we find ourselves frustrated and ready to go home.  I will make the statement, “I really want a new…” When in all reality, I don’t really need anything.  But Adam telling me that I don’t need it, upsets me.  I then begin to think of why I “deserve” that item.  Then I fester until I start to boil over.  By the time we get home, I’m finding myself thankful that we only do that once a year.  

Except this year, I really sat and reflected on WHY we end our annual Christmas excursion this way.  Selfishness, lack of self control, wanting earthly desires to fulfill something empty inside…those are just a few reasons why I come home frustrated from those trips.  

God does not intend for us to live this way.  AND this season is not about GETTING, it is about GIVING (Something I tell my own children over and over again, but need to apply it myself.)  I don’t “deserve” these things because I work hard.  I don’t deserve the love that God gives me unconditionally either.  However, He gives that too us.  That is greater than any gift we can purchase in any store.  

So, I’m putting my blinders on when I go shopping.  I will go in and purchase what is on my list and then leave.  I will be the “boss” over my desires.  I will remember the REASON FOR THE SEASON.  I will do this by spending time with HIM and in HIS word.  Being disciplined in that area in my life, will pour over and influence my daily choices and emotions.  I need to only be satisfied with serving Him daily.  

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Mucky, Yucky Debris

Philippians 4:13New Life Version (NLV)
13 I can do all things because Christ gives me the strength.

1 Peter 5:10-11The Message (MSG)
He Gets the Last Word
8-11 Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does.

James 1:2-4New Life Version (NLV)
Take Hope When Tests Come
My Christian brothers, you should be happy when you have all kinds of tests. You know these prove your faith. It helps you not to give up. 4 Learn well how to wait so you will be strong and complete and in need of nothing.

Driving through Naples a little over a month ago we saw a lot of devastation and debris.  Trees that still stood, but looked broken and bare.  Slowly, over time, we have seen the debris being picked up.  We have seen damages being restored.  But the one thing that catches my eye and heart, is the new growth on those trees that I thought did not survive.  The debris had skewed my vision of this growth that was happening.  My eyes only focused on the dead muck that laid around.  My eyes were drawn to the mess.  Now that the mess and muck have been taken away, in the picture below, I see growth.  I see trees starting to grow new life.  I see HOPE.  

God intends on us seeing HIS beauty and wants us to see just that.  However, the muck and debris in our lives tend to hide HIS beauty and purpose.  If we let it sit too long, it starts to take over and stink up our lives.  If you are living in mucky waters, pray.  Pray that HE gives you strength, peace, and motivation to push through this hard season.  When caught in a moment of feeling overwhelmed with the smell, take hold of His message for our lives.  God is good and is always with us.  Even when we are drowning in mucky, yucky debris in our lives.  

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

'Tis the Season for Self-Control

Titus 2:11-12New International Version (NIV)
11 For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,

1 Corinthians 9:25Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
25 Now everyone who competes exercises self-control in everything. However, they do it to receive a crown that will fade away, but we a crown that will never fade away.

2 Peter 1:5-8New Life Version (NLV)
Do your best to add holy living to your faith. Then add to this a better understanding. As you have a better understanding, be able to say no when you need to. Do not give up. And as you wait and do not give up, live God-like. As you live God-like, be kind to Christian brothers and love them. If you have all these things and keep growing in them, they will keep you from being of no use and from having no fruit when it comes to knowing our Lord Jesus Christ.

Piecing the underlined words together from the verses above seems to be a prayer that I find myself praying frequently.  

“For the grace of God has come to us, and He teaches us to say ‘NO’.  He guides us to live and exercise a self-controlled, holy life.  Living in and through our faith to have a better understanding on why we need to say ‘No’ to earthly passions.  We need to live God-like, not giving up, but growing; growing in our faith and love in and through Him.  With this comes fruit, fruit that we will be fed in our eternal home above.”  

We all have weaknesses.  The two that get me the most are emotionally eating - my sweet tooth gets the best of me - and getting “googly” eyed over material things for myself, my kids, and our home.  When I discovered Pinterest a few years back, I began to pin things and recipes that were not going to do anything other than thicken my waist line and thin out my wallet.  Discipline was something I struggled with consistently.  I would give up and give in so easily.  It snowballs so quickly in the wrong direction.  I still have these weaknesses and these self-control issues, but find myself really able to discipline myself more and say “No”.   Why?  I am in a season where my faith cannot be broken and I’m driven to be more for my family and others around me.  

What are your weaknesses?  What are you pinning these days on Pinterest?  What is causing you to snowball in the wrong direction?  Reflect on and pray over these questions, not for anyone else other than for yourself.  

Be Blessed!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Big Picture

I pray that your hearts will be able to understand. I pray that you will know about the hope given by God’s call. I pray that you will see how great the things are that He has promised to those who belong to Him.

Isaiah 46:10New Life Version (NLV)
10 I tell from the beginning what will happen in the end. And from times long ago I tell of things which have not been done, saying, ‘My Word will stand. And I will do all that pleases Me.’

Ephesians 2:10New Life Version (NLV)
10 We are His work. He has made us to belong to Christ Jesus so we can work for Him. He planned that we should do this.

I have said this in the past, but I love how God weaves a theme throughout my week so that I can share what He has been directing me to put into these weekly devotionals.  

This week I kept getting caught up in “Earthly” emotions and feelings.  Sadness for others loosing loved ones, feeling overwhelmed with things that need to be done a work, wishing and wanting something I don’t have in my possession.  Then at church on Sunday I wrote this in my journal, “Minds set on Earthly things is dangerous - it can take over like weeds.”  That night I sat down to read, my current read, which is Never Go Back - 10 Things You’ll Never Do Again by Dr. Henry Cloud.  The chapter I was reading was titled, “Never again, take your eyes off the big picture”.  It discusses how there are “thrivers” in life and “strugglers”.  Those that thrive don’t live without mistakes, but live through their mistakes learning from each moment.  They know that they are not living for that moment, but for something bigger.  They go about it thinking, “My life here is not about this event, it is about what we are building.”  What that translated to me was that I need to stop really looking at my life as a moment, but really look at it as a small piece to a larger puzzle that He is putting together.  

The students that I have this year struggle academically.  I know that they are in my room for a reason.  I may never know that reason, but what I do know is that I can put my smile on daily, roll up my sleeves, get to work, and be the best that I can be for them.  With these actions, I’m reflecting His love that He has for them.  I want them to do the best they can in my classroom, but I want them to do even more beyond my classroom.  I don’t know what that looks like and I will not see their pieces of their puzzle fall into place.  However, I will help make this piece of their life glow full of God’s goodness so that it spreads to other parts of their puzzle pieces.  

Be Blessed!