Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Right Ingredient

Psalm 61:2 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
I call to You from the ends of the earth
when my heart is without strength.
Lead me to a rock that is high above me,

Psalm 142:3 New Life Version (NLV)
When my spirit had grown weak within me, You knew my path. They have hidden a trap for me in the way where I walk.

Have you ever been in the middle of making something for dinner and realize you are missing one of the ingredients?  This ingredient is the ONE ingredient that ties the whole dish together.  It is the ONE ingredient that really brings out all of the flavors in this dish.  My immediate response is to go and find a “substitute” for that ingredient.  I rush to GOOGLE or ask SIRI.  I find a “substitute”.  I hesitantly put that ingredient in the dish in hopes of a successful dish.  At that moment, I’m taking a gamble as to whether or not this meal will turn out like I had planned.  I had taken this recipe into my own hands and created something different than intended.  

Life is a recipe.  God gives us the ingredients and steps to take.  There are so many moments in which I rush to find a “substitute” ingredient.  I rush to my surroundings to find what I need to make life work.  I begin to feel overwhelmed because I am focusing on the circumstances rather than trusting that He is all I need.  Trusting that He placed this recipe in the correct order and there are no substitutes.  It make take a little extra time to go to the store to get what you need, but God doesn’t intend on our lives to have “microwave” outcomes.  We have to be patient, take deep breaths, and walk through the recipe as it is intended.  When we do we end up with a heavenly, divine dish called “A Life Eternally Lived with Him”.  

Be Blessed!

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