Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Next Step

Romans 3:23-24, 28  Contemporary English Version (CEV)
23 All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. 24 But God treats us much better than we deserve,[b] and because of Christ Jesus, he freely accepts us and sets us free from our sins. 

Hebrews 11:1 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
11 Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see.

2 Corinthians 5:7 New Life Version (NLV)
Our life is lived by faith. We do not live by what we see in front of us.

Did you know that the world’s strongest bridge is the Japan's Akashi Kaikyo Bridge?  It can handle 179 mph winds.  Irma brought us winds of 105 mph.  I can’t imagine 179mph winds.  That is one strong bridge!!!  

Many times in life we feel like we are faced with walking a tight rope.  We fear taking the first step.  We fear taking the second step.  We fear losing our balance.  And our greatest fear is the fear of falling, of failing.  

God looks at our tight rope as the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge.  He “treats us much better than we deserve”.  He gives us faith that He will carry us across when we don’t have the strength, or guts, to take the next step.  He helps keep our balance.  He steadies our shaking bodies.  He tells us to keep our eyes on Him. He assures us over and over again, that He has our plans mapped out and they are mapped out for the good.   He may see the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, but we see a tiny thread.  We see the impossible, but He sees that it is possible.  Have faith and take the next step.  

Be Blessed!

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