Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Rapid Rivers and Stepping Stones

Isaiah 43:2 New Life Version (NLV)
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. When you pass through the rivers, they will not flow over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. The fire will not destroy you.

Romans 8:28 New Life Version (NLV)
28 We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are chosen to be a part of His plan.

Our faith walk will always be an adventure and/or a journey.  One that takes us to places that may seem dark and overwhelming.  One that takes us to moments of anxiousness and confusion.  One that takes us to moments of celebration, excitement, and happiness.  

This summer God placed a vision on my heart of what my faith walk has been and continues to be.  So as all good teachers do, I’m going to tell it in story form.  

Imagine that you are standing on the banks of a river.  This river is not a calm flowing river, but a river that rushes in front of you.  A river that has waves and ripples that come crashing into anything that it meets.  The whirling of the rapids can be exhilarating and spectacular to watch.  However, you have to cross this river on foot.  There is no steady foothold in sight.  You take a deep breath and pray.  As you open your eyes, a stepping stone comes to surface.  This stone is one that is not covered in moss and is not going to waver.  It is a sturdy place to step.  You take your first step, trying not to let the rapids falter your balance.  The minute you look to one side you loose focus, and anxiousness begins to take ahold of your mind.  You close your eyes, pray, breathe, and then open your eyes to see another stone has been placed before you.  Just like the stone you’re standing on, this one is just as secure.  You continue to take one step at a time.  As you are crossing this river, you continue to have moments of anxiousness.  You may even fall into the river, but then pray that He pulls you out so that you can continue to move forward.  

Our faith walk, if not aligned with Him, will falter.  We have to continue to realign our vision of what His purpose is for us.  The waters may be running all around, but keep your heart and head steady.  He will not let you drown.  

Enjoy and let the lyrics of this song wash over you.  

Be Blessed!

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