Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Potential in a Seed

John 15:4, 11 New Life Version (NLV) 
Get your life from Me and I will live in you. No branch can give fruit by itself. It has to get life from the vine. You are able to give fruit only when you have life from Me.  v11. 11 I have told you these things so My joy may be in you and your joy may be full.

Matthew 13:31-32 New Life Version (NLV)
31 Jesus told them another picture-story. He said, “The holy nation of heaven is like mustard seed which a man planted in his field. 32 It is the smallest of seeds. But when it is full-grown, it is larger than the grain of the fields and it becomes a tree. The birds of the sky come and stay in its branches.”

This past weekend I had the blessing of sitting in a room full of 700 women looking for hope and inspiration. I had a beautiful friend that shared about how we are so similar to seeds.  A seed can come in a packet at the store.  If the packet is never taken off the shelf and emptied into the soil, it will just stay a seed.  Once that tiny seed is planted, the potential of the seed begins.  First, the hard outer shell starts to soften, slowly the seed begins to root into the ground.  Once the roots are solid, sprouts begin to show above ground.  The next few pieces of the process are visible to the naked eye.  That is, if #1 I planted the seed and #2 it has the right nutrients to flourish.  

How are we like seeds?  How do we have the same potential as a seed?   You may feel that your seed is buried in dry soil.  The circumstances you are planted in seem hopeless and difficult.  However, if you put a tiny bit of water on that seed, the shell begins to soften.  Your shell needs to soften to grow.  The water in this scenario is God’s love.  When we accept God’s love, our hearts are softened.  If we nurture our hearts with God’s love, His word, a community that encourages and prays over us, we will begin to see something happen both below the surface and above. 

You are a seed.  Are you a seed sitting on a shelf?  Are you a seed that is sitting in dry soil?  Are you a seed that is growing slowly?   Are you a seed that has become dormant in this season?  You may even be going through a pruning season of reflection and growth.  You could be going into a fruitful season.  Regardless of where you are or what you are…you have potential to do anything.  Just wake up each day and know with every morning’s light you are redeemed.  

Enjoy Lauren Daigle’s Power to Redeem

Be Blessed!

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