Wednesday, November 14, 2018


My daughter loves to find trinkets and treasures in store bought toys.  Whether it be LOL dolls, Hatchimals, or whatever the new trend is, she can’t wait to get home from the store and carefully unwrap the package.  It doesn’t take long for her to push that new treasure aside and forget the excitement she had in those first moments of opening that new treasure.  

God gives us treasures in our lives.  Whether it be in the form of a relationship, a new possession, accomplishments, or whatever arises, we find the thrill of that experience to be short lived.  It is not long until that treasure starts to loose its magnificence.  

When we are God-centered, we realize that He is the only thing that will never disappoint or loose His splender.  In times of feeling lost, abandoned, confused, depressed, anxious, worried, etc., we need to reach for His Word.  

Psalm 119:162 New Life Version (NLV)
162 I am made happy by Your Word, like one who finds great riches.

We will begin to fine tune what He is sketching out for us in that season.  What we learn during that time becomes our treasure and our strength.

Proverbs 24:3-6 New Life Version (NLV)
A house is built by wisdom. It is made strong by understanding, and by much learning the rooms are filled with all riches that are pleasing and of great worth.
A wise man is strong. A man of much learning adds to his strength. For by wise leading you will make war, and the fight is won when there are many wise men to help you make the plans.

Even in our darkest times, secrets are hidden.  They may not be revealed all at once, but they will eventually be pieced together.  

Isaiah 45:3 New Life Version (NLV)
I will give you riches hidden in the darkness and things of great worth that are hidden in secret places. Then you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by name.

Once you find a peace that only He can give you, you will find the glorious treasure He has place right in front of you.  One that you should have seen before, but didn’t.  

Matthew 13:44 New Life Version (NLV)
44 “The holy nation of heaven is like a box of riches buried in a field. A man found it and then hid it again. In his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Take that treasure and plant it deep in your soul.  It is more precious than rubies.  

Proverbs 3:15 New Living Translation (NLT)
Wisdom is more precious than rubies;  nothing you desire can compare with her.

So wherever you are in and whatever season you find yourself in, make sure that you are looking for the treasure He has placed before you.  If you are in a season of abundance and happiness, hold that treasure close and be grateful.  The only thing that truly lasts forever until we truly find Him and rely on Him.  

Enjoy Phil Wickham ~ Till I Found You (Lyrics)

Be Blessed!

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