Thursday, May 5, 2016

Cloudy with a Chance of Sunshine

1 Peter 5:8-11 “Be self-controlled and vigilant always, for your enemy the devil is always about, prowling like a lion roaring for its prey. Resist him, standing firm in your faith and remember that the strain is the same for all your fellow-Christians in other parts of the world. And after you have borne these sufferings a very little while, God himself (from whom we receive all grace and who has called you to share his eternal splendor through Christ) will make you whole and secure and strong. All power is his for ever and ever, amen!”

Yesterday, the smallest things seemed to get under my skin.  My kids seemed to be irritating each other a little more, both my personal kids and my classroom kiddos.  The negative happenings seemed to jump out around every corner.  I found myself wanting to give into the “dark hole of negativity”.  The weather yesterday even fed this emotion, which leads easily to wanting to go home, put on my comfy clothes, and find some chocolate.  

Why do we have days, or even seasons, like this in our lives?  We tend to lose focus and then our judgement and clarity is “clouded”.  Our lives begin to look like the carnival mirrors and out of sorts.  Who is standing behind the curtain that is weaving these feelings and events into our lives?  Pull the curtain back and it is revealed…the enemy is orchestrating this madness.  The enemy knows our weaknesses and the easiest way to attack.  

Put on your 3D glasses and see the full picture.  God doesn’t want us to be attacking one another.  He doesn’t want us pointing fingers or blaming.  He created us to work together for His good.  

So how do we put these 3D glasses on and see the thorns that are being strategically placed?  We have to put on our armor that God provides us.  Reading the word daily, praying, giving all the negativity to Him, and letting your faith drive your actions.  

By the way, my day didn’t end up in sweat pants eating chocolate before dinner.  (HA…take that big guy!!!)  My amazing husband came to pick up the kids smiling and encouraging me to go to the gym.  My daughter decided to give me her Mother’s day gift a few days early.  A beautiful group of women encouraged me while working out my frustrations at the gym.  My son begged me to read to him a little longer as I was putting him to bed.  I thank God, as I write this, that those last little bits of sunshine shine the brightest, even on a cloudy day.  Find your beams of sunshine and let those be what drive your actions daily.  

Be Blessed!

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