Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thank Goodness for Grace

Galatians 5:1  “Christ made us free.  Stay that way.  Do not get chained all over again in the Law and its kind of religious worship.”

Romans 12:2 “…Let God change your life.  First of all, let Him give you anew mind.  Then you will know what God wants you to do.  And the things you do will be good and pleasing and perfect.”

Romans 8:28 “We know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are chosen to be a part of His plan.”

Mistakes…we all worry about mistakes.  I grade 90% of my assessments with my students.  I let them grow from their mistakes, learn from the problems they have gotten incorrect, and give them strategies to help overcome and understand the process of finding the correct answer.  Today, one of my young-ins’ asked me why I want them to correct their papers with me.  I didn’t answer the question, I asked the class if they knew the answer.  One little lady raised her hand and pointed to a sign posted in the classroom, “We learn from our mistakes.”  She then proceeded to explain that if we always got the answers wrong and never explored why we got them wrong, we would never grow.  

Thank goodness for God’s grace!  The mistakes I make daily are mistakes that help me grow to be the person He is wanting me to be.  We all make mistakes, but do we take the time to reflect, learn, and dig into the “why” of that mistake.  OR do we try to quickly forget that mistake, glossing over the details, and sometimes even pointing our fingers at others and blaming them for our mistakes.  Again, thank goodness for His Grace.  

Some of us tend to take another route…worry.  We worry about these mistakes.  We let the mistakes become shackles that tie and bind our hands together.  Worrying about mistakes can weigh us down.  We loose our focus on how to get out of the situation and becoming self-absorbed.  This drives us away from Him and His purpose for us.  

Give your mistakes to Him.  Spend time with Him, your teacher, asking Him to give you those strategies, asking Him to help you understand the process, and to gain the strength it takes to overcome that mistake, or mistakes, regardless of how minuscule it might be.   He doesn’t condemn us, He gives us conviction that encourages us and helps move forward.  Again, thank goodness for GRACE, because “GRACE WINS EVERY TIME.” 

Enjoy Matthew West and “Grace Wins” 

Be blessed!

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