Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Self-Awareness vs God-Awareness

2 Corinthians 10:5 New Life Version (NLV)
We break down every thought and proud thing that puts itself up against the wisdom of God. We take hold of every thought and make it obey Christ.

1 Peter 3:15 New Life Version (NLV)
15 Your heart should be holy and set apart for the Lord God. Always be ready to tell everyone who asks you why you believe as you do. Be gentle as you speak and show respect.

Luke 2:46-47
Three days later they found Him in the house of God. He was sitting among the teachers. He was hearing what they said and asking questions. 47 All those who heard Him were surprised and wondered about His understanding and at what He said. 

Absent-minded is a good state to say that I have been in lately.  I have been so engrossed in everything that is going on around me, that I have forgotten small details or find myself walking aimlessly around on auto pilot.  

I am one who likes to pinpoint the “why” behind my feelings and state of mind.  I have been putting the blame on the 20 students that sit in my class daily.  To paint a picture of my class, go step on an ant pile and observe what the ants are doing.  They are going in every direction except the correct one.  Listening to directions or to instruction is almost an impossible task with this group of students.  I just wish that they would listen.  They are so engrossed in everything going on around them that they are missing small details and making mistakes.  That is when I realized that in God’s eyes, I’m just like my students.  I’m not listening to His direction or instructions.  If God had a foam finger and slapped me in the face, I still would miss what He is pointing out.  Why?  I am in a state of mind where I find myself in a Self-Awareness mode vs a God Awareness mode.  I’m turned inward.  My environment is feeding my emotions.  I am scattered in all directions looking for the correct direction.  I need to be more aware of God and looking vertical to Him rather than looking horizontal on what is going on around me. 

Is God trying to slap you with His foam finger?  Is God sending you little messages and you are just walking right through them?  Are you making mistakes and missing the small details?  If we would filter all of our thoughts through Him, how much easier would our lives be?  Grab onto a verse this week that really sits on your heart.  Memorize that verse.  Memorize it to the point of where you can’t help, but think of that verse in the toughest moments.  

Be Blessed!

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