Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Large and In Charge

Psalm 37:4-5New Life Version (NLV)
Be happy in the Lord. And He will give you the desires of your heart. Give your way over to the Lord. Trust in Him also. And He will do it.

Glaciers are very large in person.  Many of us have not been able to experience a glacier first hand.  I pray that one day, everyone reading this, gets to experience one up close and personal.  (Side note: Disney did NOT exaggerate the color of Elsa’s castle when it comes to ice in cold climates.)  

We can look at life situations, events, and/or problems as glaciers.  We CAN’T control the uncontrollables, but He does.  He gives us what we need to take that situation and do with it what He wants.  We can tell our heads, “God has got this,” but do we truly believe it in our hearts?

My sister, who is an amazing woman, has had a vision to help families that have special needs kids.  Why?  Because she is that family.  Colin is 12 years old, an angel from above, who requires a lot of extra love.  Looking back over the past 12 years, life has NOT been easy for her.  She continues to put a smile on her face and tells her head, “God has got this.”  It wasn’t until recently her heart started to truly believe that.  She has a vision to help these families, and this weekend it is coming to fruition.  

God puts people in our lives at the right time.  He puts opportunities in our lives when He sees we are ready. “Focus on HIS strength, not yours.  Occupy yourself with the nature of God, not your biceps.”  He provides…He provides the strength we need.  

So what does this have to do with glaciers?  Glaciers are large, but God’s plan and answers are larger.  

Be Blessed!

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