Thursday, September 1, 2016

Your "Escape"

Psalm 107:29-30New Life Version (NLV)
29 He stopped the storm, and the waves of the sea became quiet30 Then they were glad because the sea became quiet. And He led them to the safe place they wanted.

Isaiah 26:3New Life Version (NLV)
You will keep the man in perfect peace whose mind is kept on You, because he trusts in You.

Psalm 4:8New Life Version (NLV)
I will lie down and sleep in peace. O Lord, You alone keep me safe.

Stop for a moment and close your eyes to think about what your “escape” vacation would be…your oasis.  Mine, and probably most of yours, involves water.  A lake house in the middle of the mountains, a beach house on one of the most luxurious beaches, on a boat riding the waves and enjoying a breeze, or in a ski lodge enjoying the looks of snow (may be frozen, but still water).  

The sound of water tends to relax us.  In fact, the other day during my planning, I cracked my door open a bit just to listen to the sound of the rain pouring outside of my classroom.  

The look of water soothes our soul, whether it be snow drifting across the mountains, the trickling of the creek as we walk, rain on the tin roof of a cabin, or just the sound of waves hitting the shore.  

The feeling of water can refresh us, cools us, warms us, and make us feel clean.  

Water is all around us, in the wind, clouds, fog, mist, rain, and in the air we breathe.  Do we notice the water that surrounds us daily?  Do we appreciate the water that we drink daily?  Could we live without it?  

God surrounds us daily.  We just have to stop to take notice.  We can’t live without Him.  One way God speaks to us is through nature.  Take a moment, it may be brief, but at least take it.  Breathe, and know that His sound, look, and feeling is an escape we have daily.  So “escape” with Him. ​

Be Blessed!  

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